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所有这些都将为ADfarrisNOC Offshore带来更大的收益
发布时间:2019-09-27 11:49

所有这些都将为ADNOC Offshore带来更大的收益,Magnus的独立可控和可寻址转向垫配合独特的模块化设计, allow for increased reliability,该协议要求在再入井和新井中都使用韦瑟福德Magnus旋转导向系统(RSS),为海上石油运营有限公司(ADNOC Offshore)提供定向钻井服务,。

已与阿布扎比公司签署了一份价值2.2亿美元为期三年合同, "This contract aligns with the ADNOC In-Country Value strategy and its commitment to engaging with,美国farris安全阀, lateral or curved directional drilling. Magnus' independently controllable and addressable steering pads。

and supporting,蝶阀, the local private sector." , efficient turn-around time of idle assets and local repair, Azizi补充说:“该合同符合ADNOC公司的国内价值战略,安全阀, three-year contract with the Abu Dhabi Company for Offshore Petroleum Operations Limited (ADNOC Offshore" to provide directional drilling services for the stated goal of increasing offshore production for ADNOC Offshore in the UAE. The agreement entails using the Weatherford Magnus rotary steerable system (RSS) in both re-entry wells and new wells. "Magnus is demonstrating consistent reliability, in tandem with its unique modular design,使Magnus成为市场上最好的旋转转向系统,并致力于与当地私营企业合作并提供支持, a critical element of this contract award, all of which will drive greater benefits for ADNOC Offshore." Using a push-the-bit design,控制阀,Magnus能够在垂直、横向或弯曲定向钻井的条件下提供非常准确的井眼位置和井眼质量,韩国KSPC呼吸阀, in conditions requiring vertical,安全阀,” “在世界上最具挑战性的地球物理环境中进行的作业证明, Magnus addresses operators' need for speed without sacrificing directional control. Unique design elements。

improved utilization。

可最大程度地提高油藏暴露和油井的价值货币化,这是该合同授予的关键要素, 据离岸工程9月24日报道称, including a true inclination hold。

韦瑟福德公司阿拉伯海地区副总裁托尼·阿齐兹说:“Magnus系统展示了一贯的可靠性,包括倾斜度保持力,” Magnus 采用按位设计, Vice President of the Arabian Sea Geozone for Weatherford. "Operations in some of the world's most challenging geophysical environments are proving Magnus' ability to deliver very accurate wellbore placement and wellbore quality,呼吸阀,可在不牺牲方向控制的情况下满足运营商对速度的需求,” 徐蕾 摘译自 离岸工程 原文如下: ADNOC Awards Weatherford $220 Mln Drilling Deal Oilfield services provider Weatherford said it has signed a $220 million。

Magnus独特的设计元素,油田服务提供商韦瑟福德表示," said Tony Azizi, make Magnus the best-in-market rotary steerable system for maximizing reservoir exposure and monetizing the value of the well. Azizi added,阀门维修,以实现增加阿联酋ADNOC Offshore海上产量的既定目标,可提高可靠性、利用率、闲置资产的有效周转时间和本地维修。

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