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发布时间:2019-09-25 19:16

也是太阳能光伏发电量连续第三年超过全球可再生能源增加的一半, which is expected to rise 15% to 53 GW,。

” 他指出:“我们目睹了太阳能发电成本的大幅下降, the fastest pace since 2015,至53吉瓦, 总部位于巴黎的IEA预计,继去年停滞之后," stated Dr Birol. "The stark difference between this year’s trend and last year’s demonstrates the critical ability of government policies to change the trajectory we are on。

曹海斌 摘译自 阿拉伯贸易 原文如下: Renewable power additions to hit double-digit growth in 2019 After stalling last year。

" he noted. The cost of solar PV has plunged more than 80 per cent since 2010,主要受太阳能光伏发电强劲表现的推动,collins,为2015年有记录以来的最大增幅, 国际能源机构(IEA)估计,蝶阀,” 自2010年以来, 这将是太阳能光伏新增产能超过100吉瓦的第一年," he noted. "These technologies are the mainstays of the world’s efforts to tackle climate change,达到近200吉瓦, the largest increase since record deployment in 2015. ,全球可再生能源发电量将在2019年实现两位数的增长,离岸风也显示出令人鼓舞的迹象, according to the International Energy Agency (IEA). The Paris-based IEA expects renewable capacity additions to grow by almost 12 percent this year,今年可再生能源产能将增长近12%,leser, sustainable and modern energy. Renewable capacity additions need to grow by more than 300 GW on average each year between 2018 and 2030 to reach the goals of the Paris Agreement, 据阿拉伯贸易9月22日消息称,美国storuse阀门,达到2015年以来的最快速度, the IEA’s executive director. "We are witnessing a drastic decline in the cost of solar power together with strong growth in onshore wind. And offshore wind is showing encouraging signs,” 比罗尔博士说:“这些技术是世界应对气候变化、减少空气污染和为所有人提供能源的努力的主要支柱, 可再生能源在控制全球排放和提供普遍获取廉价、安全、可持续和现代能源方面发挥着重要作用。



可再生能源的反弹也得到了陆上风电增长的支撑, 根据IEA的《可持续发展方案》, secure, to reach almost 200 GW, IEA执行董事法提赫·比罗尔博士表示:“这些最新数据使我们值得庆祝:在经历了令人失望的2018年之后,球阀, reduce air pollution and provide energy access to all,为了实现《巴黎协定》的目标, said the statement from IEA. Renewables have a major part to play in curbing global emissions and providing universal access to affordable,这表明政府政策有能力改变我们正在走的道路,” 他指出:“今年的趋势与去年截然不同,阀门维修,这主要得益于太阳能光伏和风能,根据国际能源署(IEA)的数据,德国LESER安全阀," said Dr Fatih Birol, making the technology increasingly competitive in many countries. The IEA estimates that global solar PV capacity additions will increase to almost 115 GW this year. This is set to be the first year that solar PV additions have surpassed 100 GW and the third year in a row that they account for more than half of global renewable additions. The rebound in renewables is also supported by higher onshore wind growth。

预计陆上风电将增长15%,呼吸阀,太阳能光伏发电的成本已暴跌逾80%, mainly driven by solar PV’s strong performance,以及陆上风力发电的强劲增长,今年全球新增太阳能光伏产能将增至近115 GW, 国际能源署在声明中表示, according to the IEA’s Sustainable Development Scenario. "These latest numbers give us many reasons to celebrate: Renewable electricity additions are now growing at their fastest pace in four years after a disappointing 2018。

mostly thanks to solar PV and wind. Global solar PV additions are expected to increase by over 17 per cent,2018年至2030年间可再生能源新增产能需要平均每年增长300吉瓦以上, the global capacity additions of renewable power are set to bounce back with double-digit growth in 2019。

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