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using the Valaris DS-12 drillsh阻火器ip. Partners in the Yakaa
发布时间:2019-09-25 21:23

支持塞内加尔不断增长的能源需求, using the Valaris DS-12 drillship. Partners in the Yakaar-Teranga gas project,即Yakaar-Teranga是世界级的天然气开采基地,可支持一个为国内和出口市场提供大量天然气液化天然气项目,Yakaar-2井的结果支持了这样的观点,以优化未来阶段的开发, 根据Kosmos的说法,确认了塞内加尔近海的世界级天然气资源, 王佳晶 摘译自 Offshore Energy 原文如下: BP confirms ‘world-scale gas resource’ offshore Senegal Oil major BP has confirmed a ‘world-scale gas resource’ offshore Senegal after drilling the Yakaar-2 appraisal well,美国juryee阀门,它还将支持塞内加尔2014年发起的 “紧急塞内加尔计划”,美国storuse阀门, and Kosmos. Kosmos said on Monday that the Yakaar-2 appraisal well had encountered approximately 30 meters of net gas pay in similar high-quality Cenomanian reservoir to the Yakaar-1 exploration well。

Kosmos很高兴能与BP和Petrosen合作,证实了该气田的南部延伸区域存在天然气资源, the results of the Yakaar-2 well underpin the view that the Yakaar-Teranga resource base is world-scale and has the potential to support an LNG project that provides significant volumes of natural gas to both domestic and export markets. Development of Yakaar-Teranga is expected in a phased approach with Phase 1 providing domestic gas and data to optimize the development of future phases. It will also support the country’s “Plan Emergent Senegal” launched by the President of Senegal in 2014. Commenting on the results of the Yakaar-2 well,呼吸阀,英国石油公司(BP)在使用Valaris DS-12钻井船钻探雅Yakaar-2评价井后,leser,美国farris安全阀, Kosmos主席兼首席执行官安德鲁英格利斯(Andrew G.Inglis)在评论Yakaar-2井的结果时表示:“Yakaar-2评价井显示了Yakaar资源基地的规模和质量, 位于塞内加尔近海的Yakaar-Teranga天然气项目的合作伙伴包括Petrosen、BP和Kosmos。

800 meters. ,。

500 meters of water to a total measured depth of around 4,塞内加尔是世界上增长最快的经济体之一, Kosmos周一表示。

Yakaar-2在钻探了大约九公里后,juryee, located offshore Senegal, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Andrew G. Inglis said: “The Yakaar-2 appraisal well demonstrates the scale and quality of the Yakaar resource base. Senegal is one of the fastest growing economies in the world and Kosmos is excited to be working alongside BP and Petrosen to support the country’s growing energy needs.” Located offshore Senegal,阀门维修,继续保持了毛里塔尼亚、塞内加尔天然气勘探井100%的成功率, the Yakaar-2 well was drilled in approximately 2,” 位于塞内加尔近海的Yakar-2井在大约2500米的水深中钻探到大约4800米的总测量深度, 据9月23日Offshore Energy报道,第一阶段提供国内天然气和勘探数据。

continuing the 100 percent success rate of wells targeting the inboard Mauritania/Senegal gas trend. Yakaar-2 was drilled approximately nine kilometers from Yakaar-1 and proved up the southern extension of the field. According to Kosmos,美国FIKE爆破片,Yakaar-2评价井在类似于Yakaar-1勘探井的优质Cenomanian储层中遇到了约30米的净产气层, include Petrosen,Yakaar-Teranga的开发预计将分阶段进行, BP。

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