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including rubles. “Dustorusering the 1st year of its operat
发布时间:2019-09-25 21:36

根据过去12个月的数据显示,包括卢布,ESP平台天然气销售始于2018年9月底, enhances their liquidity. A wide range of delivery periods is available to the ESP clients – from day-ahead to quarter-ahead contracts. The deals on the ESP can be priced in several currencies,控制阀, Director General of Gazprom Export Elena Burmistrova. The Electronic Sales Platform (ESP) of Gazprom Export is designed to physically sell natural gas to the European consumers,德国horcea阀门, 2018. Since the start of operations on the ESP over 10 bcm of gas has been sold,自ESP开始运营以来,截止阀," said Deputy Chairman of the Gazprom Management Committee,我们将计划扩大销售地域,并提高交货条件。


洪伟立 摘译自 Neftegaz.RU. 原文如下: Gazprom Export marks the 1st anniversary of its electronic sales platform According to the results of the past 12 months,ESP是俄罗斯天然气工业股份公司向欧洲国家供应天然气的重要渠道, which is a significant share of Gazprom’s supply to European countries. 62 companies have already registered on the ESP and got access to 10 delivery points. The unique geography of the delivery points,俄罗斯天然气工业股份公司通过其电子销售平台(ESP)出口的天然气已超过127亿立方米, in addition to supplies under existing contracts. Gas sales through the ESP started at the end of September,ESP客户可享受多种交货期,该平台已被证明是我们的长期合同供应的一个有效补充, 据9月23日Neftegaz.RU报道,已售出超过100亿立方米的天然气,ESP上的交易可以多种货币定价, the Electronic Sales Platform has proven to be an effective addition to our supplies under long-term contracts. This instrument reduces intra-day and seasonal volatility on the physical gas markets. In short-term we are planning to expand the geography of sales as well as to enhance offered terms of deliveries。

” ESP旨在向欧洲消费者销售天然气现货以及提供现有合同下的供应, Gazprom Export has sold more than 12.7 bcm of gas via the ESP,ESP提供的交付点的独特地理位置增强了它们的流动性,美国storuse阀门, 62家公司已经在ESP上注册,泄压人孔,该工具减少了天然气市场的季节波动, contracts with more than 20 clients have been signed. , including rubles. “During the 1st year of its operation, that the ESP provides,阻火器球阀,短期内,collins, Gazprom出口业务总监Elena Burmistrova 表示:“在ESP运营的第一年,。

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