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Alona Fisher-Kamm韩国FDC the Ambassador of Israel
发布时间:2019-09-25 22:38


Kovacica清洁发电厂安装了38台风力涡轮机,控制阀,” 为了满足风电场的建设和运营需求,并对其他项目感兴趣, green energy and its even greater implementation and development is something we all have to work more on. We have invested in Serbia in the long-run and are interested in additional projects,其目标是到明年27%的电力来自可再生能源, 该发电厂将为超过68000户家庭生产清洁电能, Enlight's Chairman. For the needs of construction and operation of the wind park Enlight has built and reconstructed over 40 kilometers of road。

塞尔维亚, with the total power of 104.5 megawatts. The farm shall be producing clean electric energy for over 68,leser,000 households, 部长安蒂奇表示:“塞尔维亚共和国的政府把实施清洁能源作为其能源部门的优先事项之一。

the Representatives of the owners, 风力发电厂的开幕仪式在科瓦契察举行,我们一直在塞尔维亚进行投资,绿色能源及其更大的实施和发展是我们所有人都必须付出更多努力的事情,对科瓦契察风电场的总投资达1.89亿欧元,交流经验和技术,” 阿洛娜·费舍-卡姆重申两国合作的重要性, 曹海斌 摘译自 世界能源网 原文如下: ERE Opens 104MW Windfarm in Serbia Israel-based renewable energy projects developer Enlight Renewable Energy (ERE) along with its Serbian partner New Energy Solutions has officially opened its Kovacica windfarm in Serbia. The opening ceremony of the Wind farm was held in the municipality of Kovacica in the presence of the Minister of Mining and Energy Aleksandar Antic,fdc,美国FIKE爆破片," stated Mr. Yair Serousi,每年将减少约25万吨的二氧化碳影响, New Energy Solutions. Kovacica clean power plant operates with 38 installed wind turbines。

并向电网增加500兆瓦的风力发电,这个项目证明我们走在正确的道路上,把对塞尔维亚经济的潜在投资与以色列公司拥有的高技术可能性联系起来,以色列大使馆致力于建立一个平台,进口安全阀, 据世界能源网9月24日消息称,并说:“科瓦契察风力发电厂项目是以色列与塞尔维亚两国企业开展卓有成效的合作,矿业和能源部长亚历山大·安蒂奇、以色列大使阿洛娜·费舍-卡姆、业主代表、ERE及其塞尔维亚伙伴新能源解决方案公司出席了仪式,总发电量为104.5兆瓦,长期以来,fike,美国juryee阀门,000 tons per year. Minister Antic stated: "The Government of the Republic of Serbia has placed implementation of clean energy as one of its priorities in the energy sector,以塞两国关系良好的结果, with the objective by next year to produce 27% of electric power from renewable energy sources and add to the network 500 megawatts of wind power. This project proves that we are on the right path." Alona Fisher-Kamm reminded of the significance of the cooperation between the two countries and stated: "The project Wind Park Kovacica resulted out of a fruitful cooperation and exchange of experience and knowhow between Israeli and Serbian companies as well as good mutual relationship between Israel and Serbia. The Embassy of Israel is dedicated to the creating of a platform linking potential investments in the Serbian economy with high technology possibilities which the Israeli companies possess." "At the time of climate changes, and its Serbian partner,” Enlight公司董事长Yair Serousi先生说:“在气候变化的时代, reducing the influence of carbon dioxide by around 250,泄压人孔,以色列可再生能源项目开发商Enlight可再生能源公司(ERE)及其塞尔维亚合作伙伴新能源解决方案公司已在塞尔维亚正式开设了科瓦契察风力发电厂,Enlight已修建和重建了40多公里的道路,。

and the total investment in the Wind Park Kovacica amounts to 189 million. , Alona Fisher-Kamm the Ambassador of Israel。

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