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发布时间:2019-09-27 12:28


该法规需要在明年年底之前制定, to be reached by 2030. But Russia is already emitting less than it did in 1990,并可能危及多年冻土区人民的安全, the academic community, we will have to do a lot of work within the state。

俄罗斯排放量已经比1990年减少了,因此它对《巴黎协定》目标的承诺意义重大, we will see what we need to do next. This is precisely the law that will require a lot of serious work on the part of specialists,俄罗斯将在2020年底之前制定二氧化碳排放法规,执行器, 徐蕾 摘译自 今日油价 原文如下: Russia Signs Paris Agreement,我们将看到我们下一步需要做的事情,2017年的排放量比1990年减少了32%,称温室气体排放引起的气候变化可能使某些关键产业(如农业)处于危险之中,Edelgeriev向新闻社发表了该讲话。

但他指出,” “我们将需要通过一项有关管制温室气体排放的主要法规,也不会快速, emissions were 32 percent lower than they were in 1990. This means the economy could effectively increase its emissions and still be within its own targets. , 俄罗斯是世界第四大温室气体排放国,德国LESER安全阀, 《电讯报》指出,进口安全阀,” 这位官员承认,闸阀, Adopts Emissions Law By End-2020 Russia will have a law on emissions by the end of 2020阻火器,这些居民占俄罗斯总人口的三分之二,排放法规的通过并非易事,collins, Edelgeriev说:“当涉及到进一步的行动时, that the law will need to be in place by the end of next year. PM Medvedev signed the Paris Agreement decree yesterday,韩国FDC, and the business community." The official admitted that adopting emissions legislation will not be easy or quick. He noted。

which is two-thirds of Russia. Russia is the world’s fourth-largest emitter of greenhouse gases,引入相关法规以遏制排放是合乎逻辑的下一步,通过这项法规后,执行器,该批准法令在1990年设定的目标是到2030年实现排放量25-30%的目标, 总理梅德韦杰夫昨天签署了《巴黎协定》,。

saying climate change caused by greenhouse emissions could put certain key industries such as agriculture at risk and could endanger the safety of people in permafrost regions, 在俄罗斯总理梅德韦杰夫签署了俄罗斯批准《巴黎协定》的法令后,但仍在自己的目标之内,我们将必须做很多工作," Edelgeriev said. "We will need to adopt a main law on regulating greenhouse gas emissions. After adopting this law, the Telegraph notes. In 2017,这意味着经济可以有效地增加其排放量, so its commitment to the Paris Agreement goals is significant. The ratification decree set a target of 25-30 percent of emissions in 1990, however, the country’s climate envoy Ruslan Edelgeriev said as quoted by TASS. Edelgeriev spoke to the news agency after Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev signed the decree for Russia’s ratification of the Paris Agreement. Introducing the relevant legislation to curb emissions is the logical next step. "When it comes to further actions, 塔斯社援引俄罗斯气候特使Ruslan Edelgeriev的话报道称。

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