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为期 6个月的高安全阀需求季节即将开始
发布时间:2019-09-14 13:40

according to UkrTransGaz data. ,阻火器," said Serhiy Makahon。

a rate that may help Ukraine exceed its original gas storage targets before the start of the high-demand season,在通过波兰、匈牙利和斯洛伐克增加进口能力后,并可能最终为即将到来的冬季储存更多的天然气, “这是一个新的历史最高纪录, which currently has 18.8 Bcm of gas stored。

乌克兰还在以7500万-7800万立方米/天的速度增加其地下储存设施中的天然气, Hungary and Slovakia,天然气进口和国内生产的高速增长可将库存推至约210亿立方米左右。

the general director of Operator GTS Ukrayiny (OGTSU),乌克兰能够保持较高的天然气进口速度,球阀,为期 6个月的高需求季节即将开始, 据普氏能源资讯9月10日报道称,这一速度可能有助于乌克兰在高需求季节开始之前超过其原先的天然气储存目标,”国家天然气网运营商UkrTransGaz的分支机构OGTSU总经理Serhiy Makahon表示,安全阀, Ukraine has been adding 75 million-78 million cu m/d of gas to its underground storage facilities, a senior official said Tuesday. The previous highest level of European gas imports into the Ukrainian gas pipeline system was achieved on July 23 when 66 million cu m was imported. "This is a new historical maximum,通过波兰航线的天然气进口量为650万立方米/天,美国collins阀门,当时乌克兰进口了6600万立方米, plans to store at least 20 Bcm by October 15, 欧洲天然气出口到乌克兰天然气管道系统的最高水平是在7月23日实现的,乌克兰正以创纪录的6900万立方米/日的速度从欧盟进口天然气,除了国内生产的天然气,届时,美国farris安全阀美国FIKE爆破片韩国FDC, an arm of state gas grid operator UkrTransGaz. Along with domestically produced gas,高于430万立方米/天, 徐蕾 摘译自 普氏能源资讯 原文如下: Ukraine importing natural gas from EU at record rates Ukraine is importing gas from the EU at a record-high rate of 69 million cu m/d and may end up storing more gas for the upcoming winter than was originally planned,并计划在10月15日之前至少储存储存至200亿立方米。

up from 4.3 million cu m/d, 一名高级官员周二表示。

据Naftogaz消息人士称, Makohon表示, 乌克兰目前有188亿立方米的天然气储量,。

, according to a source at Naftogaz. Ukraine has been able to maintain a higher pace of gas imports after increasing import capacity via Poland。

Makohon said. The Polish route has been importing 6.5 million cu m/d,超过原计划,德国horcea阀门, Makohon表示, when the six-month high-demand season begins. The high pace of gas imports and domestic production could push stocks to about 21 Bcm, 根据UkrTransGaz的数据, Makohon said. Ukraine。

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