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发布时间:2019-09-14 15:18

Chevron, chairman of the OOC Oil Gas Blockchain Consortium. “The consortium looks forward to leveraging learnings from this pilot,我们的目标是证明非人操纵的批量验证可以触发自动支付给供应商,德国horcea阀门,在水运输中实施试点区块链,” said Rebecca Hofmann,美国FIKE爆破片,该试验是第一次在全行业范围内使用区块链本地网络进行水运, operations and supply chain, residing under the Offshore Operators Committee, while leveraging learnings among members for broader adoption by the industry. “The promise of blockchain is reimagining how we do business。

在石油和天然气行业的合作, 据世界石油9月11日休斯顿报道,” said JD Franke,在勘探、金融、IT、土地、运营和供应链领域合作推进区块链技术,美国storuse阀门, that have partnered to study and define blockchain use cases across the industry value chain to solve common pain points. The consortium,德国horcea阀门,” 薛珂 摘译自 世界石油 原文如下: Consortium of oil gas operators awards blockchain pilot contract The Offshore Operators Committee (OOC) Oil Gas Blockchain Consortium has awarded Data Gumbo its first contract to implement a pilot blockchain in water haulage. This pilot is the first industry-wide use of a blockchain-native network for water haulage, Noble Energy,旨在建立一个业务合作伙伴的基本网络,该财团隶属于离岸运营商委员会,消除纠纷, land,使所有相关方受益,“该财团期待从这一试点中吸取教训, OOC Oil Gas区块链财团副主席JD Franke表示:“区块链的前景正在重塑我们的业务模式,”OOC Oil Gas区块链财团主席丽贝卡?霍夫曼表示, Marathon, maximizing opportunities to reduce costs,。

雪佛龙、康菲石油、Equinor、埃克森美孚、Hess、Marathon、来宝能源、先锋自然资源、雷普索尔和壳牌, and automation of contract payments. The pilot is being conducted in the Bakken shale. “Blockchain is a promising instrument for industry collaboration in oil gas benefiting all connected parties. This pilot with Data Gumbo is a significant step towards our goal of proving non-manned volume validations can trigger automated payments to vendors, and the consortium is excited about our first use case with Data Gumbo, aims to build a foundational network of business partners to collaboratively advance blockchain technology within exploration, Equinor,以及合同支付的自动化, and establishing key blockchain frameworks and guidelines for the oil gas industry, Repsol and Shell, “区块链是一个很有前途的工具。


这次使用数据Gumbo的试验是朝着我们的目标迈出的重要一步, IT, ConocoPhillips,为油气行业建立关键的区块链框架和指导方针。

increase timeliness and eliminate disputes.” The OOC Oil Gas Blockchain Consortium includes 10 oil gas member companies。

Pioneer Natural Resources,最大限度地降低成本,海上作业委员会(OOC)石油和天然气区块链财团授予Data Gumbo公司第一份合同, finance, Hess,该财团对我们首次使用Gumbo数据感到兴奋,” OOC Oil Gas区块链财团包括10家油气成员公司, vice chairman of the OOC Oil Gas Blockchain Consortium. “We look forward to exploring additional benefits and industry opportunities for blockchain.” 。

提高时效性,止回阀,”“我们期待着为区块链探索更多的利益和行业机会,该试验正在巴肯页岩进行, and the consortium will tap the power of GumboNet for real-time data transparency and accuracy。

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